Favorite Places

I'm here at Kayak's in University City. I realized that I've been compiling a list in my head of my favorite Coffee shops for as long as I've been a rambler. So, here it is, outside of my head:

Bay Books, Monterey, CA
- Where I first fell in love with coffee, I would spend almost every afternoon there; studying, reading, rejecting passive aggressive advances by the gay Argentinian barista. Great outdoor seating and always an interesting conversation to overhear.

PJ's/Aroma, Augusta, GA
- Quaint study nook for students of nearby Augusta State, I lived within walking distance.

Kayak's, St. Louis, MO
- Best constructed atmosphere of any place I've ever been. They make this place feel like a ski resort lounge. The coffee is decent, but the space is so remarkably peaceful.

Meshuggah, St. Louis, MO
- My favorite cup of coffee. It's fun finding hipster places in St. Louis, because I'm not aware of too many. But, they back up their pretentiousness with great tasting coffee.

Dr. Bombay's, Atlanta, GA
- My most frequented of any coffee shop, this place takes great care to make you feel like you're sitting in your grandmother's ancient living room. They sell books there for charity, also, so the atmosphere is organic and relaxing, with walls lined with bookshelves.

Park Grounds, Atlanta, GA
- Bright and open, there is a dog park out back. There's a lot of joy emanating from this spot.

Goodman Coffee, Chattanooga, TN
- Friendliest staff I've ever experienced, though I've only been here while passing through. Great staff, though.

Provence Bread & Cafe, Nashville
- Best baked goods of anywhere I've been in the U.S. They do great over there on 21st.

Bongo Billy's, Buena Vista, CO
- This place couldn't fail with its backdrop; towering Rocky Mountains. It's a beautiful place and they do a wonderful job harnessing it and making a great atmosphere to sit and sip coffee.

If you're ever in any of these towns, check these places out. They're great.


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