See how long it lasts

The great challenge of writing for is mostly an issue of competition. I like to write, but the time that it takes to do so and to do it well usually drives me to instead play video games or browse amazon for board games on sale (I like board games). But, it's a new year and that means that we tend to make decisions about what we want for ourselves in this new year to come.
One thing I have decided that I want for myself is to be more productive. The nature of that productivity could basically be summed up in what I did yesterday. I hid my xbox games from myself. I took them off of the shelf, closed my eyes, randomly removed several books from my bookshelf, and placed one disc in each book. Then, with my eyes still closed, I placed those books on the shelf. My fear of stillness, under developed self-control. lacking work ethic, and penchant for replacement experiences like TV or electronic gaming have beaten out of me the idea that I can choose to be productive. Productivity must be chosen for me. Now that I'm a father, balancing my time between creating what I wish to create and getting to know my infant daughter becomes a lot harder when I acquiesce to the voice that calls me to sit down in front of a screen and check out. So, hello to 2019; a year in which the world continues to fall to pieces. I promise myself nothing, but that I am only capable of reaching that for which I actually reach. I will see how it goes.


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