The Wonder of it All

This intimate proposal of the wonders of my being
This calculated leveling
Inches and meters and miles, swelling in controlled circulation
Here, i rest beneath the quiet of the morning

This sensory swelling of the fate at my fingertips
This unburdened conjecture of what the day will hold
In quiet and serene reality I feel myself lost
In the moment

And all there is to hold is the holding
And all there is to taste is the taste

Of a million flashing lights
And downtrodden faces

But if
I rise to the occasion
And greet the morning like a friend
Perhaps it will spare me the grief and decay
Of waking

So on I trod, delivered
From the ideal of the night
That all is lost and losing
Dead and dying
Faded, fading

That perhaps this rising sun
Whose Light I have forecome
Will awaken a new truth within me

That all is not lost
That I, even I
Can face its coming onslaught
Of curses on my tongue
And blood on my hands

Perhaps I can rise to the occasion
And truly see

The wonder of it all

The wonder of it all


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