Rebuttal, "Ya'll Read Too Much"

I need to clarify something. After receiving numerous "Cheer Up" messages and e-mails, I think that my last post was grossly misunderstood. I did not mean to say that I feel depressed or unwanted. I know for a fact that there are many people that love and care about me. I praise the Lord for the love that I have in my life, from my friends and my family. I thank all of you that show me that, and i do not mean to dismiss the impact that all of your love and friendships have on me. Not at all. The point that I wanted to make was that all of this love does not fulfill me. And, I don't believe that it has the capacity to, nor do I think that it should. So, when I said that I don't feel satisfied, it's not on account of the lack of relationships or demand in my life, it's a result of the un-satisfying nature of the love of mankind. That is the source along with the fact that I try to find fulfillment in these relationships, and regardless of how genuine they are, they will always let us down. So please don't misunderstand what I mean when I say that i'm not satisfied. And I do thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the love that you show me. It means so much to me.


Romondo Davis said…
It's so gratifying to know that your mom and I raised, and God created, such an introspective, passionate young man. We love you.
Anonymous said…
no, i have not met someone on-line. but eventually, I WILL meet someone and fall in love and if I HAPPEN to meet him on-line, what a quandary that would place me in!!
Mahndo said…
No joke. . .

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